Saturday, March 6, 2010

2010 Scrapbook

Last year, 2009, I decided to start a scrapbook for all of the bits and pieces of memories that I tend to collect over a year's time.  I wanted some place to put things like play ticket stubs and playbills, interesting or historical type newspaper articles and magazine clippings, special birthday and Christmas cards, pictures that turned out great, and all of the other milestone type papers that I hold on to so I can "remember."  In the past, I kept all these items in a hat box, which then spilled over into another decorative box.  But, I never wanted to look at those memories because they were so disorganized and just shoved in those boxes. 

I thought, wouldn't it be cool to put those types of things I collect, in order, on display in a book that would represent the year.  So, I did.  I started a 2009 scrapbook.  I just finished it today - March 2010. 

And, today I also started the 2010 scrapbook.  I should be upfront right now and say that I really, really don't even like scrapbooking.  I mean, I like the IDEA of scrapbooking, but when it comes right down to actually doing the process - cutting the pieces to fit, gluing them in, adding flair or whatever to make your page all pretty and interesting - I just want to throw my hands up in the air and say forget it.  I've had to make promises to myself to "not get too detailed," "just put the damn pieces in the book and leave it at that," "not worry about stickers and mess, too costly anyway."  I tell myself this every time I sit down to scrapbook, but inevitably I become engrossed and overwhelmed. 

Because this scrapbooking business is so difficult for me, I put it off as long as I can.  I keep a folder of things I want to put in the scrapbook, and it grows, and grows, and grows. 

I put on my TO DO list to "scrapbook," but cringe when it comes down to marking that item off of the list.  I'm hopeless.  BUT, the whole year book idea is a good one, I'm sure.  I can tell from my completed 2009 memory book.  It turned out great, and I know I'll enjoy looking at it for years to come.

Since it was already March 2010, the items I had to put in my 2010 scrapbook so far were numerous:
- Title page
- New Year's articles
- Hockey games
- Shadira japanese drum concert
- Louvre exhibit tour at the Minneapolis Institute of Art
- Saints win the SuperBowl - I was born and raised in New Orleans, La.
- SETI presentation "Are We Alone" at UW-Eau Claire
- Guys & Dolls play
- Carl's (my husband) recognition for making the President's Circle at Edina Realty (he's a real estate agent)

Whew!  I can't wait that long again.  I spent about 30 minutes finishing up the 2009 scrapbook, and about 2 and a half hours on the 2010 book.  Too much time.  My mind was spinning by the time I called it quits.

I'm glad I do it though - better to be on display than in some box never to be seen again!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Guys & Dolls, ECCT

My friend, Kari, invited me to be her date to the Eau Claire Children's Theater (ECCT) rendition of Guys & Dolls, at The State Theater here in Eau Claire (a.k.a Eau Claire Regional Arts Center).  It was a last minute outing for us.  Kari played Rizzo in ECCT's Grease this past summer, and she really wanted to see her fellow acting friends in action.  I've never had an inkling or interest to see Guys & Dolls, and really didn't know what the play was about (when I asked someone at work they told me, "well, it's about guys and dolls..." - helpful).  But, I love going to see plays and movies, so I knew I would still enjoy the evening.

Kari hanging out at the entrance...

Last night was opening night.  It definitely wasn't a sold out show; about half of the theater was empty.  But, I assumed that this had to do with it being a school night.  It worked for us though!  We had great seats, and were close to the stage.  The director of the play was Wayne Marek, who is also the Executive Director of the ECCT.  I think he directs most of the performances.  Basically, the play really was about "guys" and "dolls".  I think it was set in the early 1950s in New York City.  Two couples were featured:

Sarah Brown:  head of a Christian mission house
Sky Masterson:  respected local gambler (repected by his fellow gamblers I should say)

Miss Adelaide:  night club dancer/singer, with a mission to get married and have a normal life
Nathan Detroit:  local craps game orgainzer, gambler, and dating Adelaide for 14 years

The play (a musical comedy) was about the interaction of these couples, and included a lot of general commentary on how "guys" view life and marriage and how "dolls" view the same.  Of course, the views were vastly differing.  Plus there's a love story, and gambling in the mix.  Lots of singing and dancing - it IS a musical.  One thing I thought was pretty cool that I never knew was that the songs "Luck Be a Lady Tonight"  and "A Bushel and a Peck" originated from this play!

Overall, I really enjoyed the performance.  The acting was great as was the dancing and music.  We have some pretty talented people here in Eau Claire!  There were a couple of snafus with lighting and mics not working right away after a scene shift, but it was opening night I guess.  It was a long performance - started at 7:30PM and ended a little after 10:00PM.  Waaaayyyyy past my bedtime!

The original performance of Guys & Dolls premiered on Broadway in November of 1950.  Apparently there is also a movie of Guys & Dolls starring Marlon Brando as Sky and Frank Sinatra as Nathan.

I should point out that though this play was put on by the Eau Claire Children's Theater, there were no children in it.  And, it was not really not geared towards a child type audience.  In my experience, this is usually the case with most plays put on by the ECCT.  In the past, when I've asked Kari why, she said that some plays do have children, but that really the mission of the playhouse is for anyone interested in acting to be involved, and to put on plays the whole family can enjoy.  Hmmmm, I still don't really understand, but I like the plays so who really cares, right?

Kari and visited with some people we knew during and after the show.  And, Kari made a point to offer congrats to the actors/actresses in the play.  After the play concludes each night, they put their street clothes on and thank the audience members as they file out of the building.  I think that's a nice touch.  All in all a great evening!

NGEO Traveler - New Magazine

Okay, like a need another magazine to read!  I can't help it.  I LOVE TO READ and I LOVE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC!  I received a deal in the mail for a 1 year subscription to National Geographic Traveler for $8.00 not to long ago, and decided to sign up.  I mean come on, $8.00??!!  How could I turn that down!  I probably won't renew, or be able to keep up with this year's subscription, but maybe I'll have time to read a couple of articles here and there. 

My first copy came in the mail yesterday....

Oooooo, Maui!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi, I'm Angie, and I'm a completely normal person, who leads a completely normal life (now let's see how many people post a comment challenging this statement)!  I love to write, and I'm always striving to find ways that will help me improve my writing style, and let me get my thoughts on paper.  I try to "journal" regularly, but inevitably I always let my entries fall by the wayside.  I thought that journaling on a blog may be more fun for me, and will help me commit to writing more often. 

I have another blog, called Health Quest, where I chronicle my struggle with staying on a path of health and wellness, but I wanted to do something more broad with this blog in relation to topics.  I plan to post regularly on what's going on in my life, places I go, people I see, plays, movies, weekend trips and vacations, books I'm reading, my interests, organizations I'm involved in, my favorite things, events I go to and am a part of, my relationships, my dog, etc.  I also want to share my thoughts on what's happening in the news, and issues that I may need help tackling in my life.  One thing I should mention, I try to make a point in my journaling not to be too negative or to "rehash" a bad day.  (At least I try to hardly ever do this.  Sometimes you just need to work through something though to move forward.)  I like to journal on specific topics, and even keep a list of potential journal topics to choose from if I'm ever reaching for something to write about.  I like to make journaling a chance for intelligent commentary and catharsis.

I lead a fairly simple life, but at the same time I know that it's valuable and filled with love, great opportunities, fun, and meaningful relationships.  And, simple can be sweet!  My philosophy on living focuses on the importance of having balance in all that you do.  Balance, in my opinion, will lead to a healthy, long and fulfilling life.  With that said, I really want this blog to be about sharing the simple life experiences that come my way, examining those experiences, and offering the chance for commentary and convesation with you!  Thanks for listening.

My dog, Vlad.  I think he's about 4 years old here (at our old house).  He's going to be 9 this year!