Saturday, March 6, 2010

2010 Scrapbook

Last year, 2009, I decided to start a scrapbook for all of the bits and pieces of memories that I tend to collect over a year's time.  I wanted some place to put things like play ticket stubs and playbills, interesting or historical type newspaper articles and magazine clippings, special birthday and Christmas cards, pictures that turned out great, and all of the other milestone type papers that I hold on to so I can "remember."  In the past, I kept all these items in a hat box, which then spilled over into another decorative box.  But, I never wanted to look at those memories because they were so disorganized and just shoved in those boxes. 

I thought, wouldn't it be cool to put those types of things I collect, in order, on display in a book that would represent the year.  So, I did.  I started a 2009 scrapbook.  I just finished it today - March 2010. 

And, today I also started the 2010 scrapbook.  I should be upfront right now and say that I really, really don't even like scrapbooking.  I mean, I like the IDEA of scrapbooking, but when it comes right down to actually doing the process - cutting the pieces to fit, gluing them in, adding flair or whatever to make your page all pretty and interesting - I just want to throw my hands up in the air and say forget it.  I've had to make promises to myself to "not get too detailed," "just put the damn pieces in the book and leave it at that," "not worry about stickers and mess, too costly anyway."  I tell myself this every time I sit down to scrapbook, but inevitably I become engrossed and overwhelmed. 

Because this scrapbooking business is so difficult for me, I put it off as long as I can.  I keep a folder of things I want to put in the scrapbook, and it grows, and grows, and grows. 

I put on my TO DO list to "scrapbook," but cringe when it comes down to marking that item off of the list.  I'm hopeless.  BUT, the whole year book idea is a good one, I'm sure.  I can tell from my completed 2009 memory book.  It turned out great, and I know I'll enjoy looking at it for years to come.

Since it was already March 2010, the items I had to put in my 2010 scrapbook so far were numerous:
- Title page
- New Year's articles
- Hockey games
- Shadira japanese drum concert
- Louvre exhibit tour at the Minneapolis Institute of Art
- Saints win the SuperBowl - I was born and raised in New Orleans, La.
- SETI presentation "Are We Alone" at UW-Eau Claire
- Guys & Dolls play
- Carl's (my husband) recognition for making the President's Circle at Edina Realty (he's a real estate agent)

Whew!  I can't wait that long again.  I spent about 30 minutes finishing up the 2009 scrapbook, and about 2 and a half hours on the 2010 book.  Too much time.  My mind was spinning by the time I called it quits.

I'm glad I do it though - better to be on display than in some box never to be seen again!


Our Family said...

good new website. cant wait to see more posts